Download the book:
"When one of us is many".
This work has been conceived within the framework of the project "Community Tourism and COVID-19: local perspectives in the Yucatan Peninsula" of the 2020 call for horizontal knowledge networks of the National Council of Science and Technology (CONACyT).

APTC decided to apply to this call in alliance with strategic academic and international cooperation partners, as a local response to the emergency, in the face of hegemonic certifications that are unsuitable for rural areas and culturally inadequate.
The book is aimed at a broad public: the actors of the social economy, decision makers in sustainable tourism in Mexico, Mesoamerica and Latin America, consultants and other development agents that accompany the processes of these social economy enterprises, but also the academic public and anyone interested in the relationship between tourism, development and local societies, as well as tourists themselves who, increasingly, are seeking this type of experience.